Friday, August 7, 2009

Zum Geburtstag!


Randi might have been depressed this morning (August kept telling her not to be sad) but instead, I think she's having a mighty fine day here in Austria. We got up early and went for breakfast at a mountain house, which happened to be about an hour and a half stroll up the hills behind our house.

To be honest, it's all beyond hilarious. I mean, are they kidding here? Is this all for real?
Isaiah and August give Mommy a birthday hug as we leave our apartment in Saalfelden.

The restaurant is the building at the end of this valley. Randi and Larry are the dots on the trail, marching towards coffee and fruhstuck.

If Larry can conduct business 4000 feet above the nearest town, why again doesn't my phone get reception in NYC?

Breakfast, brought to us by a waitress who lives six days a week in the mountain house and was actually wearing lederhosen.

We ran into this guy on the trail playing an Alpine Horn and asked him to play "Happy Birthday" for Randi. I caught the end on video. I'd have shot more but I was totally, utterly in shock. I mean... are these people really really really for real?


  1. Happy Birthday! Is this the big 5-0? What a nice way to celebrate!

  2. Happy Birthday Randi! And for that matter, happy birthday Eddie.

    Please, PLEASE post a picture of the whole family in lederhosen.

  3. Please, PLEASE post a picture of the whole family in anything at all.
